Friday, January 31, 2014



In this assignment, we designed movie posters, advertisements, album covers, magazine covers, and book covers. We added text and put thought into the layout of our design to "sell" the product or attract attention.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Motion 2

After working with low shutter speeds, we took pictures using high shutter speeds to freeze motion. I took pictures of objects in mid-air and of people jumping to create the effect of levitation. It was quite difficult to photograph the model jumping and finding the exact time to press the shutter before the model finished the jump. Also, modeling for another person was stressful since the feet needed to be flat while jumping, to look natural.

Thursday, January 16, 2014


We had the chance to experiment with motion in our pictures. Last semester, we focused on getting sharp and crisp images, but this time, we did the opposite. To capture motion, we slowed down our shutter speeds to about 1/8s. Although we wanted some blur in our pictures by shaking, zooming, and rotating the camera, we hoped to create some interesting shapes and dynamic in the images.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


We have started the new year with this assignment of taking pictures against the light to create silhouettes of our subjects. It was quite difficult finding the right spot in taking the pictures so that the light would be behind the subjects and also not blind ourselves from the sunlight. By changing the exposure level on our cameras and editing the shadows on "PicMonkey", we could create the silhouette affect.