Friday, September 27, 2013

Rule of Thirds

We utilized the Rule of Thirds to create a balance between the subject and the background  or whatever less eye-catching object. To maintain the balance for the viewers' eyes, we kept the subject restricted in only one-third of the frame, and allowed the background or object to take up the rest of the space. In this way, we have the subject that viewers notice first upon perceiving but the background or secondary object does not remain completely neglected because it takes up two-thirds of the frame.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Depth Staging

We utilized depth staging to create more depth in our pictures. Mainly, we shot an object closeup and the background would become slightly blurry, producing depth from the object to the background. The opposite of the object becoming blurry and the background being in focus also yielded depth. Finally, we took the pictures in black and white to depict the depth more clearly.

Friday, September 20, 2013


Besides leading lines, repetition can also create depth in our pictures. The repeating objects or patterns bring the viewers into the picture to the subject the objects lead to. Similar to the leading lines assignment, we took the pictures in black and white to emphasize the depth created and to not distract the viewers with too many colors. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Leading Lines

In this assignment, we experimented with the concept of leading lines to create depth in our pictures. Ideally, the lines should lead to an object of interest and bring the viewers into the picture to the object through the lines. We used the black and white filter to accentuate the leading lines, which are not limited to just lines, but also edges, grooves, and poles.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Many of us are used to taking photos with only one type of angle or distance. In this assignment, we experimented with different distances, far, midway, and close-up, and different angles, low, mid-angle, and bird's eye. In order to give our style of photos different effects and feelings, the 3x3 concept was a great introductory assignment to look at subjects with new perspectives.

Distance: Far
Angle: Mid

Distance: Mid 
Angle: Side

Distance: Mid
Angle: Low
Distance: Close-Up
Angle: Bird's Eye

Distance: Mid
Angle: Mid

Distance: Close-Up
Angle: Mid

Distance: Far
Angle: Mid

Distance: Mid
Angle: Mid

Distance: Close-Up
Angle: Mid