Thursday, October 24, 2013


After watching the documentary on Richard Avedon, we tried our hands at shooting the same style of portraits he invented. Each portrait needed to have a white background, black and white filter, and a square frame. My partner and I photographed each other with different expressions and conveyed messages through our eyes. In the beginning, shooting was difficult because we had trouble letting down our defenses and showing our natural expressions, but as we continued on, we felt more comfortable to show our vulnerability.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Narrative Images 2

In our second attempt to create microworld stories, we tried to overcome the obstacles we encountered in shooting our first batch and craft different kinds of stories. I had trouble eliminating the glare while shooting my first batch, and this batch, I tried harder in shielding my setup from unnecessary light. However, this time around, I found it easier to shoot without showing the seam of the book and giving the figures a believable ground and background.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Narrative Images

In this assignment, we tried to create stories in the micro world by shooting figurines and dolls with backgrounds from books or computer images. We needed to use our problem-solving skills to figure out how to avoid shooting the seam of the book, remove the glare from the images, create depth, and make the micro worlds as realistic as possible. The position of the figurines also made a large difference in the depth and credibility of the images.