Thursday, February 27, 2014

Series Draft I

In this new series, I am continuing to emulate Eugene Atget's style. However, this time, I am shooting antiquated buildings, streets, and signs, and nature in color. I will be challenging myself to recreate the same nostalgic, dreamy, and "remnants of humanity" feeling. With our high-tech cameras, it is difficult to shoot blurry and dreamy pictures, so I have used the Soften effect on Picmonkey. My images feature leading lines, repetition, and depth staging to create depth. In addition, the whole scene is shown and not cropped to give the full story in my pictures.


  1. These pictures are really pretty. My favorite one is the fourth one. I really like how they all give a nature feel to them. I think that all of these pictures are great! You are a good photographer!

  2. I really like your photos. My favorite is the one of the lake because of the interesting vantage point. You did a really good job finding interesting angles for your photos. Maybe next time explore and find interesting landscapes such as the lake. great job

  3. These are all really great pictures and you did a nice job emulating Eugene Atget's style while capturing a dreamy feeling. My favorite picture is the one of the lake because it has a very soft, dreamy tone to it. Great job!

  4. These pictures look awesome! My favorite photo is the sixth one because I like the natural vibe it gives off.

  5. All of your photos are really great. I think the strongest out of the set are the sixth and seventh photos. I really like the scenery used in the sixth photo and the depth in the seventh photo. Good job.

  6. I really like the lake shot and the feeling that gives. it has a lot of details and all the other photos look really clear and crisp. good job
