Friday, March 7, 2014

Series Draft II

In this new batch, I concentrated on photographing driveways, streets, and houses. I tried to find subjects with a colorful aspect that becomes the focus of my images. Creating depth and capturing "remnants of humanity" continue to be my main goals. Also, I have found a new effect on PicMonkey that adds the nostalgic feeling to my images called Sunglow, in addition to the Soften effect that I have been using. 


  1. I really like these. maybe its the effects, but all the pictures seem warm and happy. The colors really stand out and give off a welcoming vibe that makes each photo seem like its beckoning people to come and live there. great work, keep it up!

  2. I really like all your photos! I think you did a nice job photographing at different angels to give each photo an interesting perspective. I also really like the different effects you added to each photo. Great job!

  3. I really like your pictures, the lighting surround the architecture brings out the detail in your photos.

  4. Jessie,
    I like where your going with this collection, however I think you need to edit these a little differently. Your exaggerating the colors well, but while doing so your making the whites too bright. Keep that in mind and try to make sure to keep them from blurring out the photo. Nice job tho
