Thursday, March 13, 2014

Series Draft III

In the third draft of my series, I have gotten the hang of editing my pictures to create a dreamy, warm, and nostalgic feeling. I visited Alta Plaza Park and Cobbs Elementary to shoot. The main focus for this batch was San Francisco's nature and displaying as much green as possible.


  1. Nice job Jessie! I early like the fourth picture because it gives a mystery feel. I like how you capture different aspects of the city!

  2. I really like your photos. I think you did a great job with this batch chosing subjects. I like the trees and shadows that run through all the images. Maybe next time add some more editing to the coloring. To make the photos jump more. great job

  3. Your photos are all great and I think you did a nice job capturing San Francisco's nature and different aspects of the city! My favorite picture is fifth photo. Great work!

  4. Great batch of photos. I like how they all have a nice and comforting feel to them.

  5. I really like how you used lining lines for some of your photos. My favorite out of the set is the 5th one. You did a really good job at capturing the dreamy, warm, and nostalgic feeling that you're trying to create with this project.
