Thursday, April 24, 2014

Group Project II

We continued to take portraits in the style of each classmate and tried to emulate their camera and editing techniques. This assignment is to celebrate each classmate's work.

Kaeli- I tried to emulate Kaeli's style of street photography and filling the frame with a scene. I raised the temperature of the picture to create her pastel-color scheme and also added the Cross Process effect on PicMonkey. 

Aidan- For Aidan's portrait, I attempted to recreate his architectural photography style by taking his picture in black and white with a building and a reflection of trees at an interesting angle. His pictures also have a high contrast so I increased the contrast for his portrait.

Max- Max's street photography style was taking pictures in black and white and only raising the contrast and brightness by a tiny bit. 

Sam- Sam overlaid pictures of the same person and took them in sometimes black and white and sometimes color. I also raised the brightness of the background by a small amount. 

Giv- Also focusing on street photography, Giv took candid shots of street life in black and white. I also raised the contrast and added shadows to give the pictures a graver tone.

Laurence- Laurence took pictures of subjects with a large scale background and in black and white. I noticed that most of the time, his pictures have a really bright area.

Charlie- Charlie presented surrealism in his pictures and he sometimes layered backgrounds, faces of animals, or both using Photoshop. I tried using PicMonkey to produce similar effects and used the overlaying and the cloning features.

Nico- Nico took non-traditional candid portraits in black and white with high contrast. I boosted the contrast and shadows for his portrait and tried to shoot with a large scale background.

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