Friday, April 4, 2014

Group Project

In this final project, we are taking portraits in the style of each classmate and trying to emulate their camera and editing techniques.

Ramona- For Ramona's portrait, I tried to capture the warm, bright, and inviting feeling that her pictures have. She chooses to shoot objects that have a pastel color scheme, so I edited the picture to make the pink/magenta more prominent. I also raised the temperature of the picture.

Simon- For Simon's portrait, I applied his double exposure technique and layered scenery over his portrait.

Lindsey- I colored the background black to try to get the still life effect that Lindsey worked with and positioned her in the center, just like her still life photos.

Iriana- Iriana took pictures in Richard Avedon's style and captured the subject's real emotions behind his or her mask. I edited the picture to have a high contrast and produce a white background. That way, all the focus will be on the subject's face and emotions.

Joel- Joel worked with different textures and edited them to become more abstract and layered. I layered his portrait with the paint, water, and space textures on Picmonkey. His pictures are also really focused, so I cropped the picture to only focus on the texture of his face.

Ale- Ale's pictures have a lower contrast compared to the pictures of the other students. I lowered the contrast and increased the shadows. His pictures also have a fuzziness aspect, especially in his still life series, so I used the soften feature on Picmonkey.

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